Bryce Canyon Ride

Bryce Canyon Ride

By Cyndee Pryor

What an experience! Greg and I arrived a day early to rest the horses after our long journey across two states from California to southwest Utah. Camp was nice with a few trees, sandy footing, showers, horse water, and outhouses. Anne and Dave Nicholson were courteous and welcoming. For the most part, about 75 to 80 riders started each day with a very high completion rate. The weather co-operated with us, but on day three in base camp we had a sudden hail storm which the riders missed out on the trail. We had applied Hoof-it before leaving home, and after a quick check to make sure all eight hooves of our two horses were covered, we started day one with much anticipation. Luckily for us, the ride started a little late as we forget to reset our clocks forward by one hour. The scenery was gorgeous with the Red Rocks providing a spectacular view. Besides the sandy soil and the Red Rocks, it felt like we were in the California Sierras most of the time. The footing was rather rocky and we re-applied Hoof-it to seven of the eight hooves after day one. Each day progressed into the next with the main difference being the accumulation of tiredness. Greg and I stayed in the back of the pack as Greg weighs in at 270 pounds with tack and I was on a fairly young horse who hadn’t even done two days in a row before. Greg did manage to finish all five days on the same horse and I finished day 1,2,4, and 5, giving my horse day three off. All the days were large loops with lunch being out of camp so we prepared crew bags which were taken out to lunch for us. Usually lunch was about 25 miles into the ride with great views, green grass for the horses to munch on, horse water, people lunch provided, and great vet checks. Most of the days were pretty technical and a seasoned horse sure helped. Some of the trail was following the side of a canyon, some of the trail took you right up to the edge of a mile long drop off with a birds eye view of the Red Rocks. There were places where the trail was on the side hill of a shale rockslide, but everything was passable with common sense and no sense of urgency - meaning slow down, dismount, walk your horse in hand, and pay attention. When it doubt, check it out! It wasn’t an easy ride on horse or rider. Some days we would climb up to 9500 feet, drop down to 6500 feet, climb again to 8000 feet, and repeat this process many, many times during the day. Other days we would follow the side of the mountains around one bend to the next, and after doing this about six or eight times, wonder if we would ever get to lunch. This is not a ride you would want to get hurt on. Many places it would have been tough to get you or your horse out. But the Duck was always aware of where his ducklings were, what they were up against, and remained a calm and commendable leader throughout the course of the week. There were quite a few rock sore horses by the end of the ride and some didn’t get to finish all five days. Ours looked great using Hoof-it for the duration of the ride. Some of the riders were using Easy Boots which worked ok, but some of the Easy Boots were pulled off in the bogs and muddy areas. We re-applied Hoof-it after some of the more rocky days, but after using it at home and on the single day rides, it was an easy job after we came in from the trail. Great ride, great trail, great company, and I’m glad I found Hoof-it.

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Navicular Syndrome and HOOF-it Composite Horseshoes

Navicular Syndrom Dear HOOF-it Technologies: My mare was diagnosed with “Navicular Syndrome”. One day I noticed that her stride had become short and stabby like. We took her to the vet for a full examination and x-rays and sure enough she was diagnosed with “Navicular Syndrome”. The vet prescribed meds (isoxsuprine) that were given to her religiously but she still seemed too uncomfortable to go back to her regular workouts. After looking on the internet I found your HOOF-it plastic horseshoes and was eager to try them. I bought a pair and gave them to my farrier to put on. My farrier is a bit of a traditionalist and gave me a cross eyed look but after some convincing he went ahead and put them on. Much to our amazement she walked out of the cross ties a different horse. We put her on a line and her movement was night and day. Her short and stabby stride became once again free and long. She has now been able to go back to regular work and has even been shown in the childrens hunters. I know she will never go back to the 3’6 ring but she is comfortable and happy. Who could ask for anything more? Thank you for making a horseshoe that just makes sense! Sincerely, Ann Alexander

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Farrier Referrals

Farrier Referrals

If you are a horse owner, you share in the challenge of keeping your horse comfortable and sound. If you're like most of us, you've experienced lameness issues with your horses. You know that unraveling the source of lameness is a team effort between your vet, (or often more than one vet), your farrier, and you. Caring for your horses' hooves on a daily basis is as important as keeping clean water in front of him/her. Choosing a good farrier is also critical to keeping your horse sound. What do you think are the qualities of a good farrier? We are looking for top farriers around the country and for that matter around the world so we can build a farrier referral directory at We need your input, so if you are a farrier, or you have a good farrier, contact us. We'll need your name, the name of your farrier, location of your farrier business, your farrier's contact info - phone number, and email address (optional). Also, if you want to share why you like your farrier, or what makes you a good farrier, we'll add that to your free listing in our directory. Thanks! The Hoof-it Horse Care Team

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Hoof Wall Protection

I received my HOOF-it II repair kit and used it that day. She trotted out almost sound the next day. I turned her out and let her bruise heal while I was on vacation. The HOOF-it repair kit helped support and protect her hoof while she was healing. Thanks!

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Plastic Horseshoes

I began using plastic shoes on my draft horse that kicked himself in the side of the foot as his confirmation was base narrow and because of the weight of a steel shoe. In looking for alternatives to protect him from brushing, I found HOOF-it horseshoes in draft size and tried them.   I noticed so much growth in his feet and that he was so much more comfortable , moving more fluid, and yes he stopped brushing and injuring his hind leg. I began to try them on my cross country and event horses and haven't gone back to steel since. The plastic shoes contribute to increased hoof growth. This gives the farrier more hoof to work with if the horse needs correction in his hoof.  The shoe flexes, this creates more circulation in the foot and a healthier foot. The shoe flexes and this protects pasture mates form injury of serious kicks from steel shoes, but protects the using horse from hard surface or stone bruises. I've had one thoroughbred with under-run heels for ten years. With plastic shoes and my certified farrier's expertise in trimming and setting the shoe, he has grown upright heel for the first tine in 10 years! I love plastic horse shoes. People ask if there wear as well as steel. I actually had them re set three times on my draft horse. He weighs about 2500lbs. We were doing trail rides and arena work with him. I think they wear better than steel. Thank you Hoof-It! Christine Amber, owner/trainer

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Customer Questions on HOOF-it Composite Horseshoes

Question: I am interested in knowing more about the composite shoes - particularly I am curious if you can get more than one shoeing from them? How long do they last? does the farrier use regular nails? Thank-you, Potential Customer  Natural Flex Plastic Horseshoes Answer: Dear Potential Customer: Thank you for your interest in HOOF-it composite horseshoes. Horses wearing our composite shoes benefit in many ways... Here are just a few: -Light in weight - Shock absorption -Increase of blood flow (see graphic) -Less stress on tendons and joins Our composite shoes are quite durable. The average horse will get at least one reset. I have actually had customers call and tell me that they have reset our shoes 5 times. Although I would never recommend re-setting a shoe that many times... I do hear about it quite often. On the other hand if you are doing highly competitive endurance riding or have working driving horses that are on asphalt all day 5 days a week you will probably only get one shoeing comfortably out of our shoes. As for nails... yes (most) any regular horseshoe nails will work. Regards, Team HOOF-it

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Horseshoe for Mounted Patrol Horses

Horseshoe for Mounted Patrol Horses

Minneapolis Police Mounted Patrol

Thank you for your help in addressing the concerns of the Minneapolis Police Mounted Patrol Unit regarding shoes for our horses.

When I first contacted you, we were preparing for protests related to the International Scientists of Animal Genetics conference that was being held in our City. We were looking for a shoe for our horses that would provide proper grip on the wide variety of surfaces our horse's encounter, as well as flexibility and durability.

We received our order in less than a week and our Farrier had no problem putting the shoes on. The test would be how they held up during the protests. During the protests, we had other Mounted Patrol Units from other agencies providing mutual aid. One of the things we noticed immediately was the fact that our horses had much less slipping than the horses from the other agencies that were using steel shoes, barium shoes, or a combination (steel with barium tips).

Our horses definitely had much better footing, which was a great advantage! The shoes have been extremely durable while remaining flexible, which is healthier for the hoof.

We are very pleased with the performance of your HOOF-it shoes and plan to continue to use them in the future. Thanks again! I look forward to meeting you soon.


Officer Angela M. Dodge Minneapolis Police Department Mounted Patrol Unit Coordinator

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Founder / Laminitis

Dear HOOF-it, I am writing to you about Bo Jangles, my 12 year old registered quarter horse gelding. Bo was purchased this spring and was slightly tender to pincers on all four hooves when purchased. This tenderness did not reflect at all in the ring or on the trail once you began a course of corrective, conventional shoeing. All this changed dramatically in the June when Bo Foundered. Bo had been turned out to pasture, apparently the pasture was too rich in clover, and Bo gorged himself and became sick. When Bo was first seen by us after foundering, he was ready to go down under his own weight and simply could not stand to bear weight on any of his hooves. You responded quite promptly to our call for help and did corrective shoeing, incorporating special shoes and a rather miraculous product called HOOF-it II Hoof Repair Kit. This resin product was used by you to cover the hoof wall and to protect the frog and pad. Immediately following re-shoeing, Bo was substantially relieved. It was miraculous to see the difference a few hours could make where the intervening time was spent properly diagnosing and treating the problem with products which truly performed as well or better then represented. You have followed up twice with Bo since he foundered and the results are truly spectacular. I was working Bo on the ground within two weeks of the foundering problem and riding him within three weeks. Your regimen called for keeping him active and he was able to maintain a high level of activity with HOOF-it to protect him. You have re-shod Bo twice since he foundered and Bo's recovery is truly miraculous. I ride my horse regularly and have taken him on four and five hour trail rides over fairly rough terrain with absolutely no recurrence of symptoms. Bo is very reliable, very sturdy mount thanks to you excellent care and HOOF-it. I have personally thanked you a number of times for the excellent care you have given this horse and thought writing this letter would be helpful and a testimonial which you might share with other clients. Thanks again.  Yours very truly,  Joseph I. Cronin, Esq.

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Founder and HOOF-it

Screen Shot 2014-01-30 at 2.02.21 PM Dear HOOF-it: I'm writing to express my thankfulness and good fortune in running across your wonder product. I have a 20-year-old Thoroughbred broodmare who had foundered and continued to have foot problems. We tried to keep her comfortable with regular shoeing, but with no luck. We tried trimming her and leaving her without shoes, which only made matters worse. This is where HOOF-it came into the picture. I had my blacksmith shoe her again, but with one major change - we used HOOF-it. With the HOOF-it, we were able to build her foot up and hold the shoe firmly in place. This allowed her front feet to finally grow properly. The positive results were immediate. After two weeks she was doing fine and walking comfortably. HOOF-it is a tool that all horsemen should know about. I've bred, owned and trained thoroughbreds for over ten years and I have rarely found a product that is worth passing on to others. This product really works, and it is easy for the average horse owner to use. My hats off to you and your great product. Thank you, Charlene Touzet Thorson, KY

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Senior Hoof Care

I want to express my sincere gratitude for all you have done for “Brudder”. Brudder performed well at a very large NCHA show last weekend. He competed against 28 horses in his class, most a third of his age. In fact, at 23 years of age he brought home a check. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the expertise and innovated HOOF-it products you brought to the table in making Brudder comfortable on his feet. I think you have a sense of Brudder that I have long had myself, he is a great individual and deserves the best in his old age, and I have the best in you and your HOOF-it products. Dianne

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